Manage flexible workstations with the Flexopus workstation booking system

The Flexopus workplace booking system makes it very easy for companies and their employees to introduce and organize hybrid work models. With Flexopus, make workplace booking more efficient than ever before.

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Flexopus workstation booking system
office administration

Desk sharing with Flexopus

Flexopus makes managing workstations easy, no matter which concept you follow: Flex Office or Hybrid Office

Hybrid office concept

New and hybrid work concepts rely on the dynamic use of space. The introduction of flexible, permanently assigned and blocked workstations is the first step towards implementation. The use of a workplace booking system can help and lead to greater resilience in the company.


Book a workstation in just 3 steps

With Flexopus, booking a workspace takes just three simple steps and a few seconds—no complicated menus or lengthy click paths. The intuitive visual map navigation makes reserving workstations easier and more seamless than ever before.


Group and Access Management

Make your hybrid office as efficient as possible with Flexopus. Prevent incorrect occupancy of workplaces and protect sensitive areas such as HR offices with integrated group management. Access and approval rights can be assigned at building, floor and object level.


Filter by features

Thanks to extensive filter functions directly in the booking process, employees can find exactly the workplace that is tailored to the specific task profile. Simply filter for the desired equipment and find it instead of searching for a long time!


Know who is sitting where at all times

In hybrid teams, it is essential to promote collaboration within the team. The live occupancy plan in Flexopus allows all team members to find out in seconds who is working from home or coming to the office. Inefficient Teams messages such as “Are you in the office today?” They are therefore a thing of the past.

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Markus Merkle
Sales manager

Visual management of flexible workstations

The visualization of your offices from a bird's eye view enables intuitive booking of flexible workstations and the implementation of new and hybrid work concepts.

Managing flexible workspaces
Decide which workstations can be booked and store special features.
Assign workstations permanently
Objects and workstations can be permanently assigned to one person, unless everyone participates in the flexible model.
Temporarily block workstations
Workstations can be temporarily excluded from the booking if, for example, a monitor is malfunctioning.
Bird's Eye View of Parking Space Booking with Flexopus Parking Software

How the workplace booking system works

Flexopus enables workplace booking in just three easy steps and a matter of seconds—no complicated menus or lengthy click paths. Reserving and booking a workspace has never been more simple or intuitive.

Select date & period

In the first step, the user selects "work station", in the second step, one or more days and the time for booking from the calendar overview. It is also possible to make series bookings.


Select building

In the second step, the user selects the desired building for the booking. If there is only one building to choose from, this step is skipped.


Select a flexible workstation

In the third and final step, the user selects a vacant workstation from the graphical map. Extensive filter functions make it easier to find the workplace with the right equipment.


Flexopus map service & map editor

Lean back, the Flexopus Map Service prepares your maps for you. With Map Builder, existing maps can be redesigned and redesigned in just a few seconds.
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