
Exploring the Differences Between Workplace vs. Workspace

Gina Schumacher

The terms workplace and workspace are almost synonymous, and you will hear them used interchangeably. But there are some key differences between the two, especially when you touch on the subject of a digital workspace and a digital workplace.


So, what are the differences, how do they compare, and why does it matter?

Workplace vs. Workspace


On the surface, it seems that workplace and workspace both refer to a place where you work, making them the same. But not quite.

  • What is a workplace? A workplace is a fixed location where employees work collectively. They take meetings, complete tasks, chat around the water cooler, and do all those other things that employees have done for millennia.
  • What is a workspace? A workspace refers to the specific space where an employee works, such as a cubicle or desk. That workspace can be in a workplace, but it’s not necessary, as it can also refer to a home office or even a freelancer’s dining room table.

In simple terms, a workplace is for everyone; a workspace is for one person.

Digital Workplace vs. Digital Workspace

We have addressed the traditional workplace vs. workspace, but what is a digital workplace and workspace?


A digital workplace is the environment that an employer constructs for its virtual teams. It is the infrastructure provided to accommodate hard work and ensure the workplace is productive.


A digital workspace includes the software that employees use to perform their duties. You can think of the workplace as the collaborative boards and communities used by everyone in the company while a digital workspace is the individual’s computer and tools.


Here’s what else you need to know about digital workspaces and workplaces:

Digital workplaces bring employees together

A digital workplace can be as basic as a company messaging app or as complicated as a completely flexible solution, such as the one provided by Flexopus, which accommodates desk sharing and provides seamless integration.


They reflect the company’s culture and bring everyone together, allowing them to work collaboratively.

Fixed vs. flexible

Digital workplaces are the digital equivalent of a large office space, and like that office space, they provide all of the elements that a company needs to operate. A digital workspace, however, is much more flexible as it’s all about the individual and the tools they use.


A company may stick with a single digital platform for its workplace, but an employee could switch between multiple programs as required, including:

  • Word processors
  • Spreadsheets
  • Photo editing software
  • Social media management software
  • Email programs


The workplace makes it easier to switch between these platforms and ensures employees can remain in contact with colleagues, but it is the individual programs, the workspace, that they use to do the work.

The workplace dictates the workspace

You cannot have a successful digital workspace without an adequate digital workplace. The latter dictates the former.


Companies must integrate the solutions that their employees need, whether that means providing them with easy access to essential tools, allowing for fluid collaboration, or ensuring that creativity is always encouraged. This often entails a constant information-gathering process. The workplace must encourage employees to voice their issues and ensure they are dealt with.


If a printer breaks in a real workplace, you call someone to fix it; if there are parking issues, you do what needs to be done to remedy them. This should also be true for digital workplaces.

Tips for Managing a Digital Workplace

  • Pay attention to what works and what does not work
  • Encourage open communication and complaints
  • Set clear goals
  • Record failures and use them as an opportunity for growth
  • Organise occasional face-to-face meetings to promote interaction and make employees more comfortable with one another

Tips for Managing a Digital Workspace

  • Update all software
  • Make sure employees know how to utilise their workspaces and train them when they cannot
  • Keep workspaces organised
  • Avoid too many distractions
  • Question every process and streamline where possible—Can that meeting be an email? Is that additional step really necessary?

Flexopus: The Desk-Sharing-Solution for Modern Workplaces


Flexopus is the ultimate desk-sharing solution. It promotes collaboration and efficiency. It integrates seamlessly into any existing infrastructure and offers an array of features:


  • Workplace booking feature
  • Improves efficiency
  • Designed with the hybrid model in mind
  • Support for 13 languages
  • Extensive data analytics


Request a demo today to see what Flexopus can do for you.

Summary: Digital Transformation with a New Kind of Workspace and Workplace

A digital workplace is an essential consideration for many modern companies. It affects every aspect of the business and is the foundation on which the working culture is built. It should also include proper workspaces, ones that integrate seamlessly into the digital workplace and provide employees with all the tools they need to stay productive.


If your company is undergoing digital transformation, start with the digital workplace, integrate proper digital workspaces, and build from there.

Book a demo call!
Markus Merkle
Sales manager
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